"A house without books is like a room without windows." -Horace Mann

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Perfect Square

by Michael Hall

Have I mentioned how much I love libraries?!  There is something so rewarding when you find a book that you can touch and turn pages, and the illustrations are beautiful.  Especially when it is a children's book.  Online just can't do them justice.

My recent find is called Perfect Square and its a simple book, but really is almost perfect in its loveliness.  It starts out introducing a perfect square who is happy to be a square.  But then something happens to it and it gets torn up, or cut, or ripped.  So instead of being sad, the square picks up the pieces and makes itself into something wonderful, like a fountain, or river or bridge.  In the end, the square finds that being perfectly square isn't quite as wonderful as it thought at the beginning so it makes itself into something new.

The colors are vibrant, the pictures simple but imaginative, and the book shares a lovely thought that is not too overbearing - that maybe being what we think of as "perfect" isn't all its cracked up to be, and being different is fun.

So, from one "imperfect" square to another, go get this book and share it with your kids.

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